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出处:5DMail.Net收集整理 作者:请作者联系 时间:2006-11-3 10:38:00
Instead of listing commands categorically, they have been placed alphabetically to better assist the reader in possibly finding an appropriate entry and to maintain consistency with current Netscreen CLI documentation. Additionally, most CLI variables and dependency delimiters are also maintained for consistency with Netscreen documentation.

get asic acl

Display asic limits comparing current use to maximum configurable ACLs.

get cm <1-4>

View some of the syntax associated with one of the four major command menus. The argument expected is an index of each of the top level keywords including: set, get, clear, exec. The output of this command is verbose but lists what ScreenOS expects in terms of command line arguments.


get config checksum

Display only the global configuration checksum. It can be useful when quickly comparing configurations to see if alterations have been made.

set console dbuf

This command is documented (strangely enough) but should be used in conjunction with commands that are verbose in output so as to not hog the console. This redirects all debug output to a buffer instead of the console.

set console change-notification-character <character>

Nice little command to enable a change notification character on the CLI. If the configuration changes, the specified character will appear on the CLI prompt until it is saved. The “+” character might be handy for this purpose.

get counter info

Display detailed counter information including number of counters configured, associated policy id, and time elapsed on system counters (second, minute, hour, day, month).

get counter ha

Returns information on the HA interface’s hardware counters. This includes in packets, out packets, CRCs, no aligns, no buffers, collisions, underruns.


get dbuf <arguments>

info show debug buffer info

mem show debug buffer memory content

stream show debug buffer stream

This allows you to view console messages that have been redirected to a debug buffer above.

set dbuf size <size>

Increase the size of the dbuf buffer from the default of 32k.

debug <arguments>

Debug is extremely handy for troubleshooting most firewall issues. It should be used in conjunction with 'set console dbuf' and 'get dbuf' commands if possible. Following are a few of the debug options that can be particularly helpful.

debug flow basic

This will show what the flow engine is doing with each packet traversing the Netscreen (e.g., packet dropped denied by policy, packet allowed by policy id X, packet being routed out interface e3, etc.).

debug ike detail

This is good for using when trying to debug ISAKMP (IKE) tunnel setups (e.g., detect mis-matched proposals, mis-matched phase 2 proxy id's [tunnel selectors], can't find gateway, etc.).

debug pki detail

This is good for debugging the use of X.509 certificates within IKE.

get debug

List the current debug flags that are enabled.

set dns udp-session-normal

Enable the normal handling of DNS UDP packets. Helpful when multiple queries are issued with the same source port so that return queries will be allowed through instead of just the first one (IE BIND).

get ffilter

Display the filters used for the display of debug flow output including parameters for source IP, dest IP, source port, dest port, and IP protocol. In some code versions ‘set ffilter’ will show up as an option but ‘get ffilter’ will not.

set flow log <arguments>

dst-ip dst ip

dst-port dst port

proto ip proto

src-ip src ip

src-port src port

Restrict the flow logging information to a specific subset of traffic

set flow session

Configure the TCP session cleanup time in intervals of 10 seconds. The system default has been recently decreased to 2 seconds instead of 10 so do not use this unless you have to since the smallest time you can set is 10 seconds.

.get flow <arguments>

<return> show current flow configuration settings

perf show flow perf stats

tcp-mss show TCP maximum segment size for VPN tunnel

View flow settings including timeouts, cleanup time, action flags, syn flag checking, and more.

set flow vpn-untrust-mip

Enable MIP translation for IP addresses that traverse a VPN. Use ‘unset’ to disable this.

unset fragguard

Refer to Netscreen id# nskb2701. If the number of fragmented packets is high, and determined NetScreen has run out of net-pak, the workaround is to run this flag.

set ftp non-rfc-support

Refer to NetScreen id# nskb3258. This allows you to make passive FTP connections to servers that do not follow the RFC i.e. Cisco FTP and Microsoft FTP server. This issue has been resolved in ScreenOS 4.0.0.r5.

set h323 gate source-port-any

Change the system default to remove restrictions on the h323 gate source port.

get h323

Display current parameters of h323 source port restrictions.

set interface <interface> no-subnet-conflict-check

Disable subnet conflict checking. This allows you to configure multiple interfaces in the same IP broadcast domain!


set mac-learn-sticky

Enable sticky mac learning when the firewall is in transparent mode. This will disable the automatic aging of learned MAC entries. System default is to age out old entries.

get net-pak <arguments>


distribute net data pak distribution

link net data pak in link

stats net data pak statistics

Return information on memory pool allocations, hits, and misses based on buffer sizes from tiny to giants.

get nvram

Display nvram magic number, checksum, flags, and software version.

get policy asic

Tells you how many rules you have created and what the maximum number allowable is regardless of policy direction.

get policy incoming asic

get policy outgoing asic

get policy fromdmz asic

get policy todmz asic

Commands included here for backwards compatibility with the 3.0 code train. ASICs limitations are specific to a policy direction rather than being a global number. The items above will return how many rules have been created and how many are available in each direction.

get pol disable

This will display only the policies that have been disabled.


get rms <arguments>

<return> list rms information

ctx list all rms contexts

View RMS internal information, including context limits.

get session info

Display only the summary header of the ‘get session’ command. It is helpful for scripting where output only lists current, maximum, and failed sessions.

snoop <arguments>

<return> turn on snoop

direction snoop direction

ethernet snoop specified ethernet

info show snoop information

interface snoop which interface

ip snoop ip packet

off turn off snoop

Snoop allows you to sniff traffic on any firewall interface. Take caution when using this, and use in conjunction with the 'set console dbuf' and 'get dbuf' commands if possible!

get sys-cf

Display almost every system internal limit imaginable. This is quite helpful to determine the maximum number of entries allowed in any give system parameter. Executing this on different platforms will return the system limits appropriate to that hardware and software platform.


get system scale

View basic system limits including maximum entry size and maximum count on: ASICs, Addresses, Sessions, Routes, Users, IPSEC VPNs, Mapped IPs, and policies.


get tcp

Display information regarding system sockets. This is a tad more detailed than ‘get socket’ but probably not as concise or helpful. Extremely detailed information can be obtained from each individual socket by specifying a socket id number with either command. This is not listed in deprecated status because the output of ‘get socket’ is slightly different and includes udp information as well.

undebug <arguments>

This command will disable debug output for the specific argument.

undebug all

Quickly turn off all debugging; don’t leave debugging on indefinitely because it slows the box way down.

set vpnmonitor frequency <time>

Modify the VPN monitor frequency timer to improve VPN failure detection times

To Be Determined
The following commands are pending further research and dissection. However, they have been placed here for your review and enjoyment. If you have any comments on their function or potential use, please feel free to send your comments and join the folks in the credits section!

set tail-route

get arp count

get net-buf

get pport count

get pport dst <ip>

get break

set break <args>

get chunk table

set|get dummy

get dump <args>

get icmp

get ip-frag

get module

set flow no-frag

get nat <cookie|registry>

get pool

get rtd detail

get summary <reset|src>

get tty

set|get traffic gbl

set|get traffic mbl

get traffic history

get traffic interval

get int null

set int null ping

set int self <args>

get int self

set int <int> id

set mem <bytes>

set|get portnum tdp|udp

set priv <num>

set psc <num>

ns25-> set ppc ?

int set PPC INTERNAL egisters

mem set memory

pci set PPC PCI egisters

The purpose of this document was to present a fairly exhaustive list of undocumented ScreenOS commands. This document was written to increase the Netscreen firewall administrator’s system knowledge and his or her ability to troubleshoot issues on the CLI. It has focused primarily on commands that are new, custom made, and part of the engineering toolkit to provide a documented reference for system options and troubleshooting parameters that would otherwise be difficult to uncover. Security administrators should fully understand the risks involved in attempting to make use of the contents of this document before tackling issues in a production environment.

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